
Grange Junior School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


At Grange Junior School, our pupils actively explore and expand their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum. As Staff, we aim to help each individual become a caring, confident and curious young person who has a passion for learning and a desire to be the best that they can.

Each of our golden threads has a particular role to play and as a school community we have carefully considered why each one is important.

Our Golden Threads


Values Intent


Knowledge and Skills Intent


Language Rich Intent


Connections Intent


Active and Enriched Intent

Having values underpinning our curriculum is important because…

  • It prepares all pupils for their future by developing their own moral compass
  • It helps pupils explore how to behave and engage with learning and others
  • They help prepare children to be effective citizens


Knowledge and skills are one of our golden threads because…

  • It is Important to ensure children understand that skills and knowledge have equal importance- currently children have more knowledge
  • It allows us to model the important connection between both
  • We want to ensure that children revisit previous knowledge and skills to remember more
  • Improving both skills and knowledge provides children with a range of transferable skills


Our curriculum is language rich; we believe this is important because…

  • Children typically have good conversational language but our aim is to improve their Tier 3 vocabulary to enable them to be more confident and precise in their explanations across all curriculum areas
  • Rich vocabulary gives them the tools to take more risks in their learning
  • We are ambitious for all when it comes to closing the ‘word gap’
  • We want to challenge them in their use of language

Our aim is to ensure children can make connections in their learning. We think this is important because…

  • It enables us to create equality between subjects and their importance
  • It means we can make real life connections- beyond the classroom which gives us a ‘hook’ for learning
  • It helps broaden children’s awareness of why what they learn is relevant to them
  • It allows us to make connections between current and previous learning- where does this learning fit?
  • It helps to build those links between school, home, the local community and wider world

Ensuring our learning is enriched and active is important to us at Grange Junior School because…

  • This enables us to give children a voice
  • It provides more opportunity to make children responsible for their own learning
  • It means learning is multi-sensory- which is ambitious and inclusive for all
  • It allows us to Increase pupils’ cultural capital beyond their current experiences by deepening and varying their opportunities- exposing children to elements of life they are not as familiar with
  • This encourages children to be risk takers

We believe that pupils flourish and progress when they are able to access the curriculum. Every pupil has this entitlement and should be able to feel successful in their learning experiences.

We structure learning experiences carefully so that pupils always feel encouraged and motivated. Teachers use a variety of methods to promote learning and the development of key skills. Some lessons might be very teacher led, others are highly interactive. Sometimes, we might ask children to work independently, while on other occasions they will work on a specific task as a group.

Curriculum Implementation

With the national curriculum as the starting point, we believe that our curriculum allows us to provide a range of opportunities for us to develop the language, vocabulary, writing and oracy experiences for our community of children that are age appropriate but challenging

Where possible, cross-curricular links are established however explicit teaching of other subjects using a variety of stimuli is adopted when strong, appropriate links cannot be made. Links between previous learning are made to support deeper learning and encourage children to apply their knowledge.

Learning is carefully sequenced with frequent opportunities to revisit and build upon prior knowledge to ensure the needs of the children are met.

Children are given regular opportunities to reflect on their learning and to share what they have grasped. This might be in the form of a quiz, a presentation or a discussion as examples.